Greece – Permanent Residency

In 2013 the Ministry of Interior issued a program for residency through investment. The instructions included granting permanent residency to investors from non-European countries once they purchase a house or apartment or land in Greece with at least € 250.000. Visit our website for properties in Greece.



  • The applicant must possess a valid passport.
  • Purchase an immovable property in Greece with a minimum value of € 250,000.
  • Must open an account in Greece bank.


  • A very easy and secure property investment, with no risk.
  • The program includes the father, mother and all the children.
  • This residency does not need to be renewed yearly, it is life valued
  • Children are included until the age of 23 and then renewed yearly.
  • The program does not require the applicant to live in Greece.
  • The holder of Permanent Residency can travel to all Europe without visa.
  • The full right to apply for naturalization after seven years.


  • NO difficulty in required list of documents.
  • NO long or complicated procedures.
  • NO risk in the property investment.
  • NO need to reside in Greece.
  • NO governmental immigration interviews.

Living in Greece

  • Best comfortable climate in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Attractive environment combining sea, hills and mountains.
  • Hospitality and respect to all religions and cultures.
  • English language speaking by majority of community.
  • High degree of safety, and very low rate of crime.
  • Highest level of living standard with moderate costs.
  • Strategic location connecting Asia, Europe and Africa.
  • Advanced level of education with best English schools.
  • Advanced health care within the EU standards.
  • Social activities, entertainment and shopping centers.

Invest in Greece

  • Strategic location in the Middle East.
  • Full membership in the European Union and Schengen zone.
  • The use of English language in business.
  • High level of safety and political stability.
  • Advanced communication and transportation.
  • Advanced and organized banking system.
  • Clear perspective for future development.


Original documents in English ( no stamping needed )

  1. Notarized Passport Copy.
  2. Curriculum Vitae (including academic qualifications).
  3. Utility Bill (e.g. electricity, water, etc.) to prove residence ( original country ).
  4. Two (2) photographs for each member in the family.
  5. Documents to prove income from other sources other than employment in Greece. (shares, companies, industry, rentals, etc.)

Documents stamped from Greece Embassy (English translation)

  1. Marriage Certificates.
  2. Birth Certificates.

Documents prepared by Cynvestco

  1. Health Insurance Certificate for each member of the family.
  2. Original documents to prove the purchase of property in Greece.
  3. Statement of money transfer and deposit account in a Greece bank.

How Can we Help you

  • Support the applicant in obtaining a visa.
  • Viewing the houses for purchase.
  • Interviews to explain the program.
  • Open a bank account in Greece.
  • Prepare the contract of sale.
  • Registration of the property.
  • Apply for the permanent residency.
  • Follow up for the preparation of documents.
  • Health insurance in Europe.
  • Prepare relevant documents.
  • Register the municipality services.
  • Follow up taxes and fees.
  • Transfer the ownership of the property.
  • Stamping passports with the Permanent Residence.
  • Apply and get the EU Schengen identity cards.

No need to visit Greece to accomplish the needs to start the procedures but the Applicant is free to visit in order to choose the property.


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